Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Journal (OMPJ) had its inception in 2010 as a print and online semi-annual (January and July) scientific publication of the Kairali Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists [KSOMP], Kerala, India. www.ksomp.in
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is a peer-reviewed journal, that focuses on diseases affecting the oro-facial and related head & neck regions. Published two times a year, it covers a spectrum of articles which include:
a) High quality original research, clinical trials and experimental studies (in vivo and in vitro), pertaining to the specialty. Hypothesis driven research works with significant positive/negative results are encouraged.
b) Comprehensive and insightful review and mini-review literature pertaining to topics related and relevant to the specialty.
c) Reports of cases which maybe rare in occurrence or show an uncommon presentation. Cases that provide a novel outlook on etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, histopathology, diagnosis and/or treatment of disorders, are encouraged.
d) We also publish letters to the editor, short communications, book reviews and photomicrographs and images of interesting cases.
The journal provides a forum for discussion and publication of topics related to the fields of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Oral Microbiology, Oral Medicine and Radiology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Oncology and Forensic Dentistry. It also publishes relevant articles on general pathology, microbiology, oncology, dermatology, oto-laryngology, gastro-enterology, biochemistry, genetics, immunology and hematology.
This publication is of interest to oral and maxillofacial surgeons, head and neck surgeons, oral medicine and radiology specialists, pathologists, specialists in forensics, general dental practitioners, dental care professionals, special care dentists, oto-rhino-laryngologists, radiation and medical oncologists, physicians, nurses, radiologists as well as others interested in these fields.
By submitting a manuscript to OMPJ, the author(s) affirms that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as the part of published lectures, review or thesis) and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The author(s) also warrants that any idea that has not been their own has been properly attributed. Author(s) are responsible for obtaining written permission to include any images or artwork for which they do not hold copyright in their articles, or to adapt any such images or artwork for inclusion in their articles
Publication of the same research work in multiple journals and publications is considered to be a publishing malpractice. If discovered, it can lead to rejection of a manuscript under consideration or retraction of a published article. Authors should make sure that manuscripts reporting on original research should present an accurate account of the work performed. The data related to the research should be represented accurately. The manuscript should contain sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work. Fabrication/falsification of results or data constitutes publishing malpractice and may be cause for rejection or retraction of a manuscript or published article.
In the case of clinical trial, informed consent should be obtained from all human adult participants and from the parents and/or legal guardians of the minors. A form is available. The name of the appropriate institutional review board that approved the project should be mentioned.
When reporting experiments on human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration (http://www.icmje.com). If doubt exists whether research is conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach, and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicity approved the doubtful aspects of the study.
The maintenance and care of experimental animals should comply with the National Institutes of Health guidelines for the humane use of laboratory animals, or those of the Institute or agency being utilized for the study and this should be mentioned in the text.
The Editor of OMPJ will be ultimately and independently responsible for deciding which of the submitted articles will be published. The decision will be based on the validity of the work and its potential contribution to the scientific community; without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors.
The editor may consult with the associate editor, other members of editorial team, as well as with the reviewers, in making publication decisions. While nominating potential editorial board members, the editor shall take into consideration the need for fair, appropriate, inclusive and diverse representation.
The editor will ensure that all selected manuscripts will undergo a fair and impartial, double blind per review process. Reviewers with suitable expertise in the relevant field are selected. The editor protects the confidentiality of all material submitted to the journal and all communications with the reviewers.
When evaluating manuscripts, the editor will seek confirmation for the fact that ethical harms have been minimized in the conduct of the reported research. So, if required, the editor may ask for clarification, in this regard, to the author and may ask for submission of certificate/letter from Institutional ethics committee or similar board that approved the research.
Reviewers are selected by OMPJ, after considering their relevant expertise in the required field. The names and details of the reviewers will be confidential to maintain the integrity of the double-blind peer review process. The reviewers volunteer their services on a non-profit model. Most of the reviewers are full-time employed elsewhere, and thus by necessity, their services for OMPJ may not be their top priority. Reviewers are free to decline invitations to review particular manuscripts at their discretion.
Reviewers who have accepted the manuscripts are expected to submit their reviews within 10 days. The reviewers are expected to stop themselves from the assignment if it becomes apparent to them at any stage that they do not possess the required expertise to perform the review, or that they may have a potential conflict of interest in performing the review.
Manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents, and any information or ideas obtained by the reviewer during the peer review process should not be used for personal advantage. Reviewers are expected to conduct the review in an objective manner, without resorting to personal criticism of author(s), and in a way that would help the author(s) to improve their work. Reviewers should identify in their reviews relevant published work that has not been cited by the author(s), together with any instances in which proper attribution of sources has not been provided. Any instances of malpractice (such as data falsification /fabrication/ plagiarism, etc) or unethical research practices should be bought to the notice of the responsible Editor's attention.
OMPJ identifies practices such as data falsification, data fabrication, plagiarism, failure to obtain ethical approval or consent, failure to obtain permission for data, duplicate publication, image duplication, wrong authorship issues, etc as publication malpractices.
Any suspected malpractice which has been reported will be thoroughly reviewed and assessed by the editor, in conjunction with the publisher (KSOMP). The editor shall utilize publisher's resources (e.g. plagiarism checking software) for detection of malpractice. The editor will reach out to the author(s), relevant institutions and/or research bodies.
The editor if presented with convincing evidence of misconduct will consider retraction, publication of a correction or publication of an expression of concern. This will be done in coordination with our publisher (KSOMP).
The Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Journal (OMPJ) is an Open Access Journal, with full text of the articles available online. In accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of open access, the users are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of these articles. Articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Advertisements are an important source of income to the journal, which helps us pursue our Open Access policy and keep the contents free for all users, ethical considerations are in place to ensure the integrity of the journal and its content. Advertisements have no influence on submission, acceptance or publishing of any article. Editors have full and final authority for approving print and online advertisements and for enforcing advertising policy. Advertisements have no control or input in the editorial process.