pISSN : 0976-1225 eISSN: 2322-0384
Acinic cell carcinoma of plate - A rare presentation
Sankar Vinod, Arun George, S Sunil, Mathew James
Taurodontism of multiple teeth - A Case Report
Joshy V R, Maji Jose, Rajeesh Mohammed
Adenoid cystic carcinoma of hard palate : A Case Study
Aarthi Mahajan, Meena Kulkarni, Mitesh Parekh, Mebrunisha Khan, Arpan Shab, Mahesh Gabbane
Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia - A Case Study
Geetha Varghese, Pradeesh Sathyan
Primary tuberculous osteomyelitis of the mandible - A Rare Case Report
P. Venkat Baghirath, A Bhargavi Krishna, Ashalata, P Sanjay Reddy
The relevance of CDx Brush biopsy in diagnosing early oral cancer in developing countries
Babu Mathew, Sayed Mohammed Nabeel
Salivary Diagnostics - Reloaded
Tharun Varghese Jacob, Ambil Sara Varghese
Giant cell lesions of oral cavity - A review
Ipe Varghese, Ashwin Prakash
Nano technology in cancer diagnosis and treatment : An Overview
Rathy Ravindran
Potentially malignant disorders of oral cavity
Antony George, Sreenivasan B S, Sunil S, Soma Susan Varghese, Jubin Thomas, Devi G, Varghese Mani
Cytogenetic alterations in oral squamous cell carcinoma detected by karyatyping (g-banding)
P M Sunil, C R Ramachandran, Arulmoli, Santha Devy, Soma Susan Varghese
Immunohistochemical evalution of bcl-2 oncoprotein in oral dysplasia and carcinoma
Resmi G Nair, P M Shameena, Ipe Varghese, Sudha S